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How am I compared with other forwarders

An essential concern for AsiaCalculator.com is to make sure we provide fair comparison between freight quotations to Buyers.
We have therefore implemented a rating system, so that Buyers can have, in addition to the raw "freight pricing" data, more qualitative info about the Forwarders they are comparing.

This rating system is based on 3 criteria :
1. A survey all Forwarders have to answer when they register on AsiaCalculator.com. This is on a declarative basis, but information is cross-checked and random audits are being performed by AsiaCalculator teams. The more info you provide, and the more accurate it is, the better your final score will be.
Even after registration, you can access and complete the survey in the Account management tab of your account space :

2. The rating Buyers have given you : we ask Buyers, if they wish, to score Forwarders they are connected with, on a simple 5-stars scale.
You can access your own rating here :

3. Popularity : obviously, we consider that the more Buyers you are connected with on the platform, the better the quality of your service is supposed to be.

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